24 March 2012


Mt Damavand Winter Alert

24 March 2012, by Sherppa
We have observed a very high wind speed and freezing temprature this winter, which have caused many teams to cancel or postpone their programs such as mountaineering, ski and snowboard expeditions to Mt Damavand.

Mt Damavand Winter Warning
Freezing Temprature Mt Demavand, Iran.
-71° Celsius (-95° Fahrenheit) 4 February 2012
By Snow Forecast

Damavand Mountain Iran is very cold in winter, the wind speed may reach more than 130 K/H (80 M/H) and the temprature could drop to below -73° C (-100° F), almost a freezing circumstance similar to the poles, making the condition extremely tough for any kind of winter sport activity.

Mt Damavand Winter Warning
Strong Wind Speed Mt Demavand, Iran.
110 Km/h (68 M/h) 15 March 2012
By Snow Forecast

Winter Warning
If you want to attempt any kind of winter sport activity such as winter ascend, ski touring or snowboard expeditions to Damavand, you must be aware of this cold and freezing weather and possibility of risks and injuries. You should be well-equipped, very experienced and you need a good supporing team too. Also remember, there is no rescue team and medical facilities in the area.

Mt Damavand Winter View
Damavand Winter View
Photo Ardeshir Soltani

More in MDG
Winter ascend, ski touring, off piste ski tour, snowboard expedition Alborz and Zagros Chains Iran. Persian mount tourism information center. Iran mountain climbing federation camps and huts. Dizin and Shemshak ski and snowboarding tour 2012. Iran ski federation ski resorts. Weather forecast Damavand summit, ascend, hike, trek, tours, photo, summit, route, map, skitour, gps, volcano.

Damavand travel and trip advisor. Iran mountain tourism guidebook. Hiking trekking and climbing tours 2012 South route Mount Damavand Iran. Damawand Guided small group escorted tours. Demavand vacations, tourism, travel guide, holiday reviews. Damāvand meteorology forecast, accuweather forcast Iran, yahoo weather Tehran. Iran Mountain weather forecast and weather outlook. Snow forecast & skiing weather for ski resort Iran. Météo refuge and shelters.
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Damavand Winter Warning MDG24MAR12c
Copyright © Mount Damavand Guide . All rights reserved.


04 February 2011


4 February 2011, Posted by Sherppa.
Winter Warning Freezing Temprature on Damavand

Warning freezing temprature for Winter Climbs, Ski Mountaineering and Snowboarding.
Damavand is very cold in winter and the temprature could drop to disaster quickly, the temp reaches far bellow -60° celsius with the wind speed more than 100km/h, very tough and freezing situation almost similar to the north/south pole.

Damavand Freezing Temprature
Freezing Temprature Mt Demavand, Iran.
-67° celsius (-88° Fahrenheit) 3 February 2011,
by Snow Forecast

If you intend to attempt any winter climbing, ski mountaineering or snowboarding expeditions to Mt Damavand Iran, you should be aware dangers and possibility of injuries, you must be well-equipped and well- experienced for difficult and harsh winter conditions, you need a good supporing team too.

You should also be aware that in case of emergency and injury, you better count on your own strenght and luck for surviving because rescue team and medical facilities are not available in the area, and if/when they arrive it could be too late. So extra care should be taken in winter and it is done by your own risk only.

Winter Temrature Damavand Iran
Winter Temprature on Mt Demavand, Iran.
-67° celsius (-88° Fahrenheit) 3 February 2011,
by Snow Forecast

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Winter climb, skitouring, ski mountaineering and snowboard expedition elborz and zagros mountains iran, mount tourism info center, iran climbing federation, damawand ski touring, mountain climbing mistakes, alborz snow fall, best time for climbing damavand, shemshak and dizin ski resorts, best snowboarding iran 2011, winter mountaineering gear list, weather in winter, winter climb, ski mountaineering expeditions, weather condition damavand, disastrous weather in winter, strong winds.

Freezing temprature at the summit , harsh climate, rescue team and medical facilities for emergency, does mount damavand iran get alot of avalanches, damavand ski touring, best time for climbing damavand, is it safe to drink snowmelt, iran ski and climbing federation, best snowboarding in iran 2011, hotels bed and breakfast accomodations email address, mountaineering gear list, winter sports iran, transport for ika international airport tehran, ski mountaineering recommended gps.

Permission required to climb mount iran, climbing permit mount damavand, image of iran skiing in winter, photo, picture, snapshot, image produced by photographic, iran mountain climbing federation, iran ski federation iranian persian hiking groups, nature society at tehran, iran, iranian mountaineering groups, elborz mountain trek/skiing in winter 2011, grass ski tour guide, meteorology iran mountain climing, weather forecast iran summit, weather forecast damāvand iran دماوند ایران.

Winter Warning MDG04FEB11
Copyright © Mount Damavand Guide . All rights reserved.


21 January 2011


Common Mistakes Part2
21 Jan 2011, Posted by MDG.

In this topic you can find some other reasons which are the main cause of unsuccessful attempts to Damavand summit and our suggested ways to increase your chance of success to the peak.
If you have the feeling of exhaustion, weakness, lack of energy and disorientation to go ahead and continue the ascend, the followings could be the main cause of your problem. To overcome this and for adaptation to the new environment, just before atempting the mountain, we suggest to a have a good rest after your flight. Camp1 Polour ans Camp3 New Hut are ideal places for your rest and accomodation. Read more in part1.

Damavand mountain
Damavand Iran, Photo by A. Soltani

Jet Lag
After a long flight or a long journey across different time zones, jet lag is a cause of being exhausted and excessive tiredness. If you are coming from a country with more than 3 hours difference in time zones, you may need one extra day rest for adaptation to the new environment.

Biological Clock
The natural mechanism that controls the cyclical physiological activities of organisms.
You may ask yourself, "what time is it by your internal biological clock ?!" The answer is, "it take some time that a person can biologically perform a certain function."
It is not recommended to do tough exercises while your internal biological clock indicates that the body is in the resting mode, it is quite wrong to attempt climbing when the biological clock of your body says it is sleeping time!

Sometimes there could be more factors that you feel you are not in a good mood for climbing, factor such as biorhythm cycles. Biorhythm is an attempt to predict various aspects of a person's life through simple mathematical cycles, your life is affected by rhythmic biological cycles which affect your ability in various domains, such as physical, mental, and emotional activity. These cycles begin at birth and continue throughout life; thus, by modeling them mathematically, a person's level of ability can be predicted from day to day.

Mount Damavand Photo Gallery

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Common Mistakes Part2 MDG21JAN11
Copyright © Mount Damavand Guide . All rights reserved.


13 April 2009


Warning for climbing Mt Damavand in spring climate
Spring 2009 May and early June
- 15 May 2009
Due to heavy spring snow fall in the mountain in spring 2009, most parts of the routes are covered by snow and ice and climbing to the summit is very difficult in May and early June.
So for a safe and successful climb in this season:
- You should be very experinced climber.
- well equipped with winter gears.
- crampon and ice axe are necessary.
- you need a good weather.
- well supported .
- ready for any risky and unexpected condition in Mt Damavand.

Warning 1 - to Foreign Climbers
Please be advised it is not recommended to use any unidentified place as your resting place either in the mountain or in the city-villages near the mountain. The safest , the cheapest , and the best resting place for you are Iranian Mountaineering Federation Camps . If you need a reliable and trusty resting place when you travel from Tehran to Mt.Damavand I recommend you to use these camps ONLY :
1- Iran Mountain Federation Camp 1 Polour in polour village near Haraz Road .
2- Iran Mountain Federation Camp 3 Bargah , you can use shelter , tent or whatever you like with no problem.
- Remember Camp 2 Base , known as Goosfand Sara Camp , is not suitable for use in summer , because it is too crowded and too dirty . Some local guy may come to you and invite you to local home as guest house or resting places, you better refuse their invitation .

Warning 2 - to Foreign climbers
Iran Mount Climbing Federation asks all foreign climbers who use south face route to pay 50 USD per person as permit fee to its representative and take a ticket. Please do not try to cheat the permit fee by going other ways and by-passing the unusual route because, unfortunately, the representive is impolite and may try to take the fee by immoral ways. On behalf of Iranian Mountain Climbing Society, we are very sorry and ashamed of this kind of catchpoll and we condemn such behaver to foreign climbers by Iran Mount Climbing Federation . What a shame!!

Warning 3- to All Climbers
Mount Damavand weather looks good most of the time in summer , but it could change very rapidly and you may not have enough time or energy to find a suitable shelter. So please have sufficient cloths and equipments with you even during a good weather to save your life in case of emergency .
Unfortunately 2 Iranian climbers lost their lives this summer ( 2007 ) because of this unpredictable weather.

Warning 4 - For Winter Climb and Ski Mountaineering
Remember weather condition in Mt Damavand could change to disastrous in winter, with strong winds up to 100km/h and freezing temprature reaching -60°C in the summit , you must be well-equipped and well-experienced for such a difficult mountain climb and ski mountaineering expeditions and harsh climate in Mt Damavand, and further more remember that rescue and medical facilities are not available in the area and in case of injury and emergency you need a good luck for surviving, so extra care should be taken for climbing and ski mountaineering in winter and it is done by your own risk.

Mount Damavand Photo Gallery

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Hiking & Trekking and climbing tour Mt Damavand, Iran nature, ecosystem and other Iran mountains. Equipment , gps waypoint , route and trail map damavand . Itinerary , guided tour for Mt Damavand, Iran nature and ecosystem, high skilled experienced guide, services, transport and ski Mount Damavand. Permit, climbing tour, winter climb and ski mt damavand.

Warning MDG880124Y
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