Common Mistakes Part2
21 Jan 2011, Posted by MDG.
In this topic you can find some other reasons which are the main cause of unsuccessful attempts to Damavand summit and our suggested ways to increase your chance of success to the peak.
If you have the feeling of exhaustion, weakness, lack of energy and disorientation to go ahead and continue the ascend, the followings could be the main cause of your problem. To overcome this and for adaptation to the new environment, just before atempting the mountain, we suggest to a have a good rest after your flight. Camp1 Polour ans Camp3 New Hut are ideal places for your rest and accomodation. Read more in part1.
Damavand Iran, Photo by A. Soltani
Jet Lag
After a long flight or a long journey across different time zones, jet lag is a cause of being exhausted and excessive tiredness. If you are coming from a country with more than 3 hours difference in time zones, you may need one extra day rest for adaptation to the new environment.
Biological Clock
The natural mechanism that controls the cyclical physiological activities of organisms.
You may ask yourself, "what time is it by your internal biological clock ?!" The answer is, "it take some time that a person can biologically perform a certain function."
It is not recommended to do tough exercises while your internal biological clock indicates that the body is in the resting mode, it is quite wrong to attempt climbing when the biological clock of your body says it is sleeping time!
Sometimes there could be more factors that you feel you are not in a good mood for climbing, factor such as biorhythm cycles. Biorhythm is an attempt to predict various aspects of a person's life through simple mathematical cycles, your life is affected by rhythmic biological cycles which affect your ability in various domains, such as physical, mental, and emotional activity. These cycles begin at birth and continue throughout life; thus, by modeling them mathematically, a person's level of ability can be predicted from day to day.
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Common Mistakes Part2 MDG21JAN11
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